Tuesday 1 October 2013


Salman’s Iranian fan Myasa who was cycling across India to promote his charity, sadly met with an accident, but finally got to meet her idol
She could not finish the task for which she came to India – tour the country on a bicycle to promote her heartthrob Bollywood actor Salman Khan’s charity, Being Human. She had to discontinue her expedition as she met with an accident in Udaipur. But that has made Myasa Bakhshandehha, the 23-year-old law student at the Gorgan University of Iran, a happy girl, because she finally met Salman Khan. “I was sure that I will not return until I meet him,” she had said, and on his part, the Dabangg Khan was overwhelmed too, to meet his passionate fan.
Myasa, who fractured her left hand, had to be admitted to a hospital in Udaipur, where she underwent a surgery. “It was quite painful, and it will take almost two months to recover fully… my hand has to heal. But I am satisfied and happy that I met my real hero,” said Maysa.
An overwhelmed Sallu gifted her Being Human T-shirts, and even wrote a special message for her, appreciating her efforts. He was surprised to know that Myasa was so enraptured with him, that she took his charity to heart and worked for it so zealously. “I must say you have great courage and passion. You are fighting for a cause. Keep up the spirit,” Salman told her.
“When I told my family in Iran about my accident, they wanted me to return home. But I was adamant. I wanted to try my level best to meet Salman before I left India,” says Maysa, who reached Mumbai by train on Sunday night, and then began to make rounds of his studio and his home. And she was so regular that even Salman’s staff began to recognise her! Salman’s driver was so taken in by Myasa’s dedication, that he appealed to Salman to meet her. “Salman is so tender-hearted that he readily agreed to meet me, his driver told me,”says she adding, “The driver told me when he told Salman that I have come all the way from Iran, he dropped everything else and got ready to meet me. That was really sweet of him. Actually, I wanted to meet him after accomplishing my task of touring the country on cycle to promote his humanitarian work, but I could not do it. I guess fate has other plans for me. But it has not disheartened me.” So, what next for her? “Maybe I will come next year and then fulfil my dream,” she smiles signing off

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