Monday 28 July 2014

Kick Witnessed Huge Jump at Monday Evening Shows All Over

As I Stated Earlier, Kick has Got Huge Jump at Monday Evening Shows All Over. The Film Though Started The Day with Steady Occupancy But It was Always Case for It to See Good Growth at Evening Shows and That is What Happened Exactly. The Film at Many Places have Almost Seen Double Occupancy at Evening Shows Comparing to Morning and Afternoon Shows Which Means Its Heading Towards a Big Day at Box Office India.

The Film as Per Reports Registered  Occupancy of Around 75% in Delhi While It was Around 45% at Morning Shows. The Business is Going Superb at Both Multiplexes and Single Screens. The Occupancy in Mumbai has Also Gone Up By 30% from Morning Shows and Expecting Further  Jump at Night and Late Night Shows. Pune Saw Around 55% Occupancy at Evening Where It was Around 30% at Morning. It has Witnessed Big Jump at Rajasthan and East Punjab Where The Biggest Jump Registered in Hyderabad Where It is Doing Business as Like Friday as Per Evening Shows are Concerned. So Overall, The Film Got Back on The Track After a Slow Steady Start. Tomorrow Being Holiday, It will have a Good Late Night Shows on Monday and No Doubt Tuesday will be Real Huge. Looking at Initial Reports Stated Above, The Film is Crossing 100 cr Nett Mark within 4 Days Means It will Touch/Cross The Respective Mark Once The Monday Official Collection Arrives, Its Party Time!!!

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