Salman Khan is all set to take the small screen by storm yet again for he finally launched the upcoming eighth season of nation’s most controversial reality show, Bigg Boss, which will go on-air from September 21. The media conference was held at Jet Airways Hangar keeping in mind the theme of the show this year.
However, photographers, who have decided to boycott events of Salman, were missing from this press conference. Asked if he was missing the paparazzi Salman said: “What can I do… I can’t force anyone. I have not stopped them from taking my pics… they have banned me and taken a stand. All I can say is do it quitely, respectfully and not like ‘macchi (fish)’ market.”
Talking about the show, Salman said, “Like always we’ll have an incredible range of travelers onboard this time. As we fly high, I can only advise the passengers to stay calm and collected as patience, tolerance, tact and trust are the only tools that will control the turbulence. As a captain, I’ll keep a check on the passenger’s safety and well-being week on week to ensure that their journey is smooth yet not so smooth in this whirlwind voyage.”
Mr. Raj Nayak, CEO – Colors said, “Bigg Boss has grown to become much more than a show, it is now a television phenomenon. With the continued success of the show season after season, we are now looking forward to surpassing audience expectations with an airy-edgy theme. As the show prepares to leave the runway, we hope to transmit incredible entertainment for our viewers straight from up there! It’s time for audiences to fasten their seatbelts and get ready for a ride of a lifetime through calm and turbulent weather conditions.”
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